
发布时间:2019-08-20 02:40:49 来源: 法律文本 点击:

新概念英语网免费发布新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 33-34,更多新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 33-34相关信息请访问新概念英语网。

The pleasure of comedy appreciation is the bridge between people --Emerson --Emerson


There is no smooth road to science, whereas there are numerous reefs and dangerous shoals in the river of truth ? Only the medicinal herb gatherers who dare to climb can reach the peak and get the herb and only the beach swimmers who fear no billow get to the sea bottom and find the pearls.---Huo Luogeng

科学上没有平坦的大道,真理长河中有无数礁滩。只有不畏攀登的采药者,只有 不怕巨浪的弄潮儿,才能登上高峰采得仙药,深入水底觅得珍珠。 华罗庚(奋斗篇)

Although the sun shines,leave not your cloak at home.


Set the bird"s wings with gold it will never again soar in the sky.--Tagore

鸟翼上系上了黄金,这鸟便永不能再在天上翱翔了。 泰戈尔(金钱篇)

The relation between falsehood and truth is like the one between sleeping and awaking When a person wakes up from the false, he will go towards truth with new strength——Goethe

错误同真理的关系,就像睡梦同清醒的关系一样。一个人从错误中醒来,就会以 新的力量走向真理。歌德(真理篇)

Good temper is like a sunny day ; it sheds its brightness everywhere--Sidney

好脾气犹如灿烂的阳光,普照四方。 西德尼(品德其)

Love is the waves in Dongting Lake ; if you do not bring it under control, it will flood your ambition, career,energy,and even life ; if you can control it properly, you will gain harvest from it year after year——Zhou Libo

爱情犹如洞庭湖里的小波,你要不控制它,它会淹没你的志向、事业、精力甚至生 命;要是控制得当,不让它泛滥,就会从它身上得到年年岁岁的丰收。 周立波(爱情篇)

Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.--Tagore


相关热词搜索:新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 33-34 新概念第二册lesson33 新概念2lesson33

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