
发布时间:2019-08-19 02:32:35 来源: 教学文本 点击:


Once upon a time, there was a mouse, a bird and a sausage lived in a house, they get along with, life is full of happiness and joy. Their division of labor cooperation, savings continue to increase, became very rich. Birds fly into the forest to bit wood back every day; Rats carry water, fire, set the table; Sausage is responsible for cooking. Because life is too smooth, they slowly began to grow rice, will be thinking of ways to play new tricks. One day, the bird met another friend, it to friends proud about his comfortable life. The bird laughed at it is a poor fool, says it is hard work in the outside, while the other two partners to stay at home do light work. Mice a smoky fire every day, carry water and then returned to his room to lie down to rest, to eat only when to set the tables and chairs, table cloth on the shop. Sausage is sitting near the pan, in addition to look at the situation of the cooked food outside, doing nothing, it"s time to eat, just add a little oil, salt, finished in less than a minute. The bird listened to these words, the in the mind very not taste. It fly home, put the wood in the ground. Everybody sat on the table for dinner as usual, after eating all went back to the room to sleep, slept until the next morning. What is the life than the life of this tacit understanding, reasonable division of labor more satisfying? But because birds play by a friend, don"t want to go to the forest for the day, also serve them two, said he has been doing for a long time of the fool, now should discuss the work, household chores should all round to dry. Although mice and sausage struggling to persuade and explain them division of labor is the most reasonable, like this only then may continue to maintain normal life, but the bird was won"t listen, it stuck to his proposal. Finally, it both have to follow it. They use lottery determines the division of labor: sausage to back stick, mouse, cook, a bird to carry water. If people left for their jobs, what wi

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