
发布时间:2019-08-19 02:32:55 来源: 考试文本 点击:


In many years ago. A blacksmith called tile luca, once the king let people called him, give him a lot of iron, said: "I want you to give me to play a real person, can walk, talk, have blood, with a brain."
"Yes, my majesty." Lu card plus replied, and bowed to the king, go home to luca and take iron home, but I don"t know how to cast a real person, want to know the world has not a blacksmith could do that.
Tile luca add to friends for advice. He can"t said to the king, he didn"t follow his orders, because it will be treated as insurgents and put to death. But no one can he wants to give advice to friends.
Tile luca and fearfully at home. He ran into a man on the street, he once knew him, and he had a friendship. The man later insanity, now live alone in the forest. Lu card and don"t know this, but soon understood a meet.
Mad man politely greeting the blacksmith, lu card plus resalute politely. Crazy to ask:
"Where are you from?"
Blacksmith hesitated, said: "I come from the mountains, go to for advice, what should I do. The king gave me many pieces of iron, and ordered me to cast a real person, but I don"t know what to do."
And tile lu card plus the friend gave him this advice: "unto the king, and said to him: "if you want me to casting quickly and better, then ordered all Baghdad women cut off their hair burn, in order to collect one thousand packets of carbon. In addition, I also need iron water quenching, so please ordered that Baghdad woman crying out one hundred cans of tears."
Tile luca and thank him for his advice, he went straight to the king, the poor madman told the king said to him, he said: ordinary charcoal and the water does not like a real man.
After listening to a blacksmith"s words, the king immediately ordered the Baghdad woman cut head fever into charcoal, even cry one hundred tears.
But the head of the woman all have a fever, is not a bag of charcoal, and tears only two or three cans. When the king saw he can"t be coll

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