
发布时间:2019-08-18 02:37:58 来源: 科技文本 点击:


Late autumn season, a bear want to make a cave on a hillside, ready to hibernate. The hill the whole consists of a number of young spruce trees covered with. Bear the small fir skin peel, tear into small narrow strip, located on the hill took them into the cave, then covered with soft hair on it, this is a comfortable bed. It has small fir trees cut near the cave, cover the mouth of the cave, so, cave had a "roof". Cave built, climb in, it is going to sleep quietly on a winter. But before a month, a hound found it"s cave, it"s not easy to escape the hunter"s gun. Can"t, can only directly lying on the snow, so all right, can be all eyes and all ears. But is such, finally discovered by the hunter, it hard to escape again. So it is the third time to hide. This time the hunters but doesn"t even have to think of, where I can find it. It was not until the following spring, the truth: they had it on a big tree AnAnQuanQuan a winter sleep. It experienced a baptism of the storm crown pointing to the sky, tall trees in the middle of the dense canopy, there is a gap. This gap is like a natural formation of the cave. Summer there used to be an eagle with branches and some soft matting, here to build a nest, too young, then flew away. But this winter, this is only the hunters so startled that horrible bear found the air "cave", then climb up, spent a winter here freely.

晚秋季节,一只熊想在一个小山坡上造一个洞穴,准备冬眠。 这个小山坡整个由一些幼小的云杉组成的树丛覆盖着。 大熊把小杉树的皮剥下来,撕成一个个的窄条,把它们带进位于小山坡上的洞穴里,然后在上面铺上柔软的兽毛,这就是一个舒舒服服的床。 它又把洞穴附近的一些小杉树咬断,盖在洞穴口上,这样,洞穴就有了一个“屋顶”。洞穴造好了,它爬进去,准备安安静静地睡上一个冬天。 但是没过一个月,一只猎犬就找到了它的洞穴,它好不容易才逃脱了猎人的枪口。没办法,只能直接躺在雪地上了——这样也好,能够眼观六路,耳听八方。可就是这样,最后还是被猎人发现了,它又一次艰难脱险。 于是它又第三次躲起来。这一次猎人们可是连想都没有想到,在哪儿能够找到它。 直到第二年春天,才真相大白:原来它在一棵大树上安安全全地睡了一个冬天。 这棵经历过暴风雨洗礼的高大树木的树冠直指天空,在浓密树冠的中间,有一个空隙。这个空隙就像一个天然形成的洞穴。 夏天曾经有一只老鹰用树枝和一些柔软的铺垫物,在这里筑过巢,育过雏,后来就飞走了。 而这个冬天,这只被猎人们惊吓得风声鹤唳的熊发现了这个空中“洞穴”,于是爬上去,在这里无忧无虑地度过了一个冬天。

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