
发布时间:2019-08-20 02:40:59 来源: 应用文书 点击:

新概念英语网免费发布新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 31-32,更多新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 31-32相关信息请访问新概念英语网。

Bowling is good for the bone and reins ; shooting for the lungs and breast ; gentle walking for the stomach ; riding for the head ; and the like.--Francis Bacon


There is no royal road to science , and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.--Marx


相关热词搜索:新概念英语册名人名言Lesson 31-32 新概念第一册lesson31 新概念英语第二册31

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